Bring the Sun’s Rays Underground:
Thaw Ground Quickly and Safely
Did you know that infrared heating panels are ideal for thawing ground?
Developers & Contractors Note: Infrared panels provide safe and fast solutions for thawing ground. Imagine speeding up your thawing time from weeks down to a few days to thaw frozen ground in order to start a new construction in the winter. No longer do you need to use the energy hogging large industrial heaters to thaw the ground. Infrared heating panels will do the job for you saving you time and money.
- Before: ground is frozen
- After: infrared panels have thawed the ground
- Success!
Your imagination will take this in many different directions.
Here are some examples:
Thawing frozen water pipes and septic fields quickly and safely
Curing concrete and drywall with significant energy cost savings as compared to using large industrial heaters. Call us for details on how to do this.
Thawing ground in cemeteries