Infrared Heating Panels are:
energy saving; heat is retained in the floors and walls of the room
Safe; no fire hazard; prevent/eliminate ice dams on the roof; warm comforting heat
Healthy; have zero emissions; control mould and fungus; quiet
No danger of carbon monoxide poisoning
Very easy to install; can be mounted on ceilings or walls
No moving parts, no maintenance
5-year warranty, life expectancy 50+ years
Use a renewable resource for heating
Expect major savings over other heating systems
Are CSA-certified and made in the USA
Notice for All:
The world is changing rapidly. Mother Nature is upset! Climate change is creating a huge anger and backlash. Are you doing your part to calm her down? Have you renounced the use of fossil fuels in favor of renewable energy sources? Infrared heating panels provide the necessary clean direction needed for heating any building. Call or email us today for a free quote for your heating project.
Heating with infrared panels offers therapeutic benefits for everyone especially during cold and flu season.
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Studies about the effects of infrared heat on cancer.
Read it here.